Thursday, June 14, 2007

Walking and Talking!!!

I have a dear, dear friend that I have walking with three times a week for years, and have been friends with, served with in Young Women for years, gone to lunch with often and shared many deep thoughts and feelings with for years! She has a deep love for others and an understanding of human nature like no one I know. She has wonderful qualities as a person. She always can see the eternal perspective! She thinks she has many weaknesses, she makes fun of herself, and she has down days like we all do! But the one thing I have to say is, I am going to miss her so much for the next two years. She and her husband are leaving on July 16th for a mission to the Helsinki, Finland Temple mission. I have literally gone through the whole process with her, listening to all the details since the day they even thought they wanted to go on a mission. And now they are only a couple of weeks away. Today we went and bought three pairs of shoes for her and she got fitted for the first time for a proper brassiere! That alone was a good thing. We had a great time. Last week we found two beautiful Temple outfits for her that will wash and wear the entire two years and still look new. We were so excited about her find at White Elegance.
I told her today, I'm going to miss her so much I might get depressed. Who will I chatter with and share all the things we are learning in our classes or Institute? Who will I get to listen to and feel a connection with like her??? She laughed. But I really will miss her. She has made my life more meaningful and rich. I look forward to when I'll receive her emails and letters of this mission. The one they have been so looking forward to for quite some time. And then,again I will be enriched and inspired. Then they will come home for a while and then go again. And this time maybe Mike and I will be ready to go. Thank goodness, we have a few years to correct, to grow, to lift, to change and all those things that will prepare us for the one thing I feel I owe the Lord in no uncertain terms. And that is to share His gospel to whomever He thinks I can.
So, Gerri, I have many wonderful friends, but YOU hold an extremely special and important place in my life. Many Many blessings to you and Ralph.


Hilary said...

You could always go find a blog friend. :) Although, the weight loss isn't as good as walking.

Shana said...

Oh how wonderful for Geri. That just means that you and Mike may need to plan to retire and start serving missions! ;)

Lara Neves said...

I'll even miss her and I never see her!