Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Something amazing!

I just LOVE all my grandchildren!! They are the most wonderful little people in the world! The Lord has shown me tender mercies of love amidst some difficult things. I just have to say this!

Monday, May 21, 2007

The voices of my grandchildren!

One of my most favorite happenings in the world, is getting a phone call and on the other end is a little voice saying "Hi, Mamah" or "Hi, Grandma Deni"!!! I found out from Lara the other day that Chloe now knows which number I am on speed dial, and she just calls now whenever she wants to. She'll chatter and tell me all that she is doing right then and there and then say Bye Mamah! When I call, Lara has a certain ring for me and Bria will pick up and "Hi Mamah!" And talk to me about her life! Even Sophia has played with the phone and has dialed me and I can hear her. And cute Brayden will call and say "What ya doin?" and then tell me what he is doing or leave a message if I don't answer! Just precious. Or Tychon will call and say thank you for the present and tell me how he is playing with his friend in great detail!
This to me is sublime. I don't think parents even realize how that small simple act brightens the day of us older folks who miss the sounds of children so much.
I hope that they will always take that time to do that small thing to make someone's life, mine, happy!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

This is life!

Well, I'm back from the dead! This week has been full, full of ups and downs. Of life, of death, of work, of rest, of everything! But, I can say honestly, mostly ups! I notice when there is a hard thing there is always a joyous wonderful thing. I think Heavenly Father allows that so we won't be totally devastated in life. He is a very merciful God, and yet, at the same time, one who is teaching us, preparing us for our forever life!

In relationships, I truly believe that people don't do things to intentionally hurt. I believe things are a matter of thoughtlessness. Or, they react when hurt. Don't you? The key is in the discipline and in the humility to be taught when being shown or corrected.

In work, there again, discipline, but then there are those things.... However, we are always trying to control. We don't like being out of control. If we are then fear sets in. Fear causes reaction. It's a cycle, don't you think?

How about weight-loss? Need I say more? An important aspect of weight loss is the fact of health, healthy mind, body and spirit. One that is in control. Mastering, so to speak the passions of the taste buds. Oftentimes, we just view it in terms of how we look instead of how we feel. Yeah, I look okay, but I want to feel light, and energetic and full of joy! Extra weight, even this 5 pounds makes me feel sluggish, heavy, and a little lack luster.
Also, there are those that I come in contact with that plain, don't want to do it. They don't see results quick enough, or they don't "want" to be told by another, including Drs. or whatever the reason. But the reality is, what about those that love them? We ought to be thinking of them and working on our best self to provide for them a long life and a healthy happy one at that.

So I guess you see where this babbling blog went, to the weight loss mystery. So find what motivates you and go for it. Stop making excuses. Once you stop making excuses there is nothing standing in your way.

Now, the most wonderful "up" of the whole week, was my wonderful children remembering me on Mother's Day. My grandchildren, namely Bria, Chloe, Sophia, Brayden and Daxton as they sent me wonderful gifts with personalized hand writing! What sweetness, that I will keep forever. (I look at those things frequently, I've kept most things by the way!) Thanks to their parents for teaching them to "remember".
I love them with all my heart. All of my precious grandchildren.! See the joy amidst the hard. That is IT.

Friday, May 11, 2007

"Not-so-great" Mom?????

I guess there has been a few that have found me to be a "not-so-great" mom. And they probably would be right in many aspects. But I can confidently declare that "I am a Mother" and that was/is my occupation and I loved/love it. Warts and all!!!

Oprah Winfrey said "In our society, we give motherhood plenty of lip service, we pat moms on the head, bring them flowers on Mother's Day, and honor them before crowds. But at the end of the day, we don't extend them the same respect we would a professor, a dentist, an accountant, or a judge."

I believe from the my heart that a righteous mother is the embodiment of success. I believed this about motherhood for years. But now I know it without a shadow of a doubt. The most important work I have ever done in my life is what occurred within the 4 walls of my home.

I know what I gave up so that I could be a mother during that season of my life, But I also understand what I gave it up for!! My 4 wonderful children, and I didn't get a paycheck that can be cashed at any bank. But it does come in other ways.

I take no credit for my children's successes, and I take no responsibility for their failures.
Their successes are theirs and theirs alone!! And they have a multitude of them.
I can say I was their cheer leader in whatever they chose to do. I hope I showed them how to problem solve, by not doing it for them, or at least when they needed help it was then I stepped in. I hope I taught them to rely on God through prayer and through listening to the Holy Ghost who would not leave them to fend for themselves. I hope I taught them faith, faith in God and in themselves that with God they could do anything. I hope I taught them to work, and work hard! To be kind and sensitive to others.
I notice my children very rarely mention how they feel about me. But they are very good at letting me know they love me, for this I am grateful. I really hope they one day will come to a place of appreciation, not that I need to be gushed over, but will genuinely be able to say from their hearts what they feel towards me as their mother, that it will come easy, for everyone needs to know how our loved ones view us in positive ways and not just on Mother's Day, but always.
I was grateful to be able to do that with my mom from time to time. For she was a stalwart woman, strong, loving, caring and gave her heart and soul to being a mother.

Honestly, I don't want to hear, "Oh, you did the best you can!" any more. It is not good enough, it doesn't portray how I felt, what I did, or tried to do adequately! But I will tell you this, I gave my Heart and Soul to the rearing of these children. Right or wrong!

One person told me she doesn't want regrets raising her children. Well, there will always be regrets that you can't do everything perfectly, or say everything perfectly, or be perfect. For that I am thankful for the atonement. I definitely wasn't perfect, I was on a learning curve, a huge one, and I hope that you will give me mercy when judging my efforts. All I know is I love my family and that will never change. I hope you understand my babbling today!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Guess we better ask for pay, huh?

While reading the newspaper this morning, I came across an article talking about a mothers club now offered in Utah County. They had some interesting statistics and points made in the article that I thought would be interesting to put here in my blog. I knew motherhood was a huge job, very well as a matter of fact, as I did it, raising 4 children. ( I can say is at this point it was like a dream, I can't remember some of it, it was if it didn't happen. All the hard work, I mean. Just like you forget the pain you had bearing them that you want to have another child.) So here is an excerpt:

"With so many kids, stay at home mothers in Utah County can expect to fill the shoes of a day-care worker, janitor, laundry attendant, counselor, and teacher.

Being expected to act as at least 15 different career qualifications, the salary would be well over $90,000 for fulfilling daily tasks, according to a report by Regina Robo at Factoring in the seven-day, 90-hour workweek, it would add an estimated $25,000 in overtime annually, Robo said. The salary was calculated by figuring out the average pay for job titles, responsibilities and qualifications, and weighing them on a scale of importance, frequency, and the average time spent on each task.

Even with so much to do, a recent survey of more than 2,000 Americans says mothers today still aren't measuring up to their earlier counterparts.

Conducted by the Pew Research Center, the study says mothers today have a harder job raising kids but are also worse at it. More than 70 percent of the respondents said it is more difficult to be a mother, and 56 percent say women aren't measuring up to their earlier counterparts.

The biggest influence parents worry about is societal factors affecting their children -- including drugs, TV/Internet/movies, peer pressure, safety and keeping them out of trouble. A copy of the study is available at

A national survey by the Pew Research Center.

This story appeared in The Daily Herald on page A1. "

This article to me says, we have a lot to battle as families. President Hinckley has stated that the media will be the last great battlefront. And, in part, it is because of that media families are facing the social problems it states above far greater than ever before.

So my prayers go out to all mothers, especially the mothers of my grandchildren, whom I cherish and love so much!! Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

To all you mothers out there!! Here is a Mother's Day wish: go to and receive a wonderful reminder of the love you have for your family!

P.S. everyone be sure to add html after the website, as it won't go there for you if you don't

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Aging gratefully!

"Aging gratefully!" Wow, that is something to think about! Not just gracefully. However, what about the gray hair and the deeper wrinkles that keep coming, to do something or not to do something is the question! So instead I turn my thoughts to just being grateful for the ride.

There are some things you wish you could have done better, but didn't!
There are some things that keep hanging over your head to do, but don't!
There are times you would rather sit than move!
There are times you would rather eat junk than good food!

It is better to look forward and forgive what you didn't do!
It is better to get up and get going!
It is better to wear out, not rust out!
It is better to eat healthy!

Grateful I have my life rich with people and things to be involved in!