Sunday, October 4, 2009

Forgotten appreciation!!

I just suddenly realized that so many of Lara's readers/friends hopped over to my blog on my birthday and I need to thank you wonderful women for including me im her and your lives!! You all have touched my life too in reading what you have to say to Lara. Good, good women! Daughters of the covenant, through thick and thin. Through the ups and downs of life!! YOur funny, positive, and real comments make it easier to do the things we do!! Love to you all, kiss kiss, hug hug!!

Again, I am so sorry I didn't give you the appropriate appreciation back months ago!


Rach said...

I'm glad Lara gave me your blog I love reading what you have to say.

Hilary said...

Forgetfulness happens as we age... :)
Will you please convince Laura to fly home for Christmas? We're driving to UT... :)