Monday, April 14, 2008

I Love FHE!

Great Family Home evening Lesson! I love LDS Living and I often use their ideas in teaching FHE and lessons to the children in Primary, grandchildren or whomever! Hope you enjoy!

Do Not Procrastinate
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Today is our time to be valiant and decide to give our souls a serious, profound exposure to our Savior’s teachings.

Conference Talk:

For more information on this topic read “Do It Now,” by Donald L. Hallstrom, Ensign, Nov 2007, 49–51 and “Today Is the Time,” by Walter F. González, Ensign, Nov 2007, 53–55

Now is the time to exercise our faith.
Now is the time to commit to righteousness.
Now is the time to do whatever is required to resolve our undesired circumstances.
Now is the time to reconcile with God through the merciful process of change afforded us by the Redeemer of mankind.
(Donald L. Hallstrom, “Do It Now,” Ensign, Nov 2007, 49–51.)

Today is our time to be valiant and decide to give our souls a serious, profound exposure to our Savior’s teachings.
(Walter F. González, “Today Is the Time,” Ensign, Nov 2007, 53–55.)

“Today While the Sun Shines,” Hymns, #229

For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors.
(Alma 34:32)
Object Lesson:

Materials needed: Hot and cold tap water, two bowls, and food coloring.

Procedure: Fill one bowl with very hot tap water and the other bowl with very cold tap water. Wait until the water has quit moving. Then quickly add three drops of food coloring into each bowl. Point out that the food coloring spreads rapidly in the hot water and much slower in the cold water.

Use this demonstration in a discussion about procrastinating what must be done. If we dread, put off, and complain about our job, we’re like the cold water.

The job can become a long and agonizing process. If we quickly dig in with a positive attitude, the task can be done quickly, allowing us to move on to other things.
(Beth Lefgren and Jennifer Jackson, Power Tools for Teachers, [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1988], p. 62.)

A story tells of a young couple who wanted a beautiful home. They were certain that when they owned a home that was as large and elaborate as those of their neighbors, their lives would be filled with joy. Until then, life would just be hard work. The couple scrimped and saved, denying themselves and their children all the simple pleasures. They worked through Saturdays and holidays, neglecting all the sweet and tender years of their children’s growing up. They had no birthday parties, few presents, no family outings or vacations. Life was hard and cheerless, but how, they asked themselves, could anyone expect to be happy in their tiny, cramped, old house? They needed their dream house to be happy.

Everything bright and light-hearted disappeared in the grim feeling that the only purpose of each day was to labor for the imagined future. Kind words, patience, treats, fun, humor, and freedom—all were put aside for some later date when the family would live in the impressive home where joy would be waiting.

The grayness of their daily lives was alleviated only by the thought of that dreamed-of house. And so the parents pinched and struggled their way toward joy.

After twenty-five years the couple finally built the lovely home they had spent their lives working toward. It was everything they had ever dreamed of, with its ample bedrooms and splendid furnishings.

They moved in, expecting joy to be waiting there for them. But the rooms of the mansion were empty of joy. The children had long since grown and scattered, their childhood memories dull and cheerless.

Now, busy with their own lives, they had little desire to come home to visit. Indeed, the rooms of the great new house were empty of all the things that had been neglected through the years. The mansion was empty of laughter, family, friends, warmth, and fun because the parents had failed to feel or create those things. The parents discovered in their huge, hollow home one of the great truths about joy: a family that cannot be happy in a cottage cannot be happy in a mansion.

Happiness is not a place—it is a way of life.
(Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards, Celebration!, [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1995], p. 6)

Play “Passing Poison.”

Form a circle with everyone facing inward. Give one person an object such as an old shoe. On a signal such as a whistle or the starting of music the person passes the object to his right. Each person must take the object when passed to him, and pass it to the person to his right. When another signal is given (a timer beeping or the music ending), the person left holding the object must leave the circle. The winner is the last person left when the signal is given to stop.
(George and Jeane Chipman, Games! Games! Games!, [Salt Lake City: Shadow Mountain, 1983], p. 35.)

Hot Orange Rolls

* 1 tablespoon yeast
* pinch of sugar
* 1⁄4 cup water
* 1⁄4 cup milk
* 1 tablespoon butter
* 1⁄2 cup sugar
* 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
* 3 eggs, beaten
* 4 cups all-purpose flour

Orange Sugar Mixture

* 1⁄2 cup softened butter or margarine
* 1⁄2 cup sugar
* grated peel from 1 large orange

Dissolve yeast and pinch of sugar in 1⁄4 cup water. Set aside. In a small saucepan, heat milk, butter, sugar, and salt until butter is melted. Cool to lukewarm and transfer to bowl. Beat in yeast mixture, eggs, and 1 cup of the flour. Let rise until bubbly. Gradually add remaining flour and beat well with spoon or mixer. (It is not necessary to knead.) Cover and let rise until dough doubles in bulk.

In a medium bowl, mix butter, sugar, and grated orange peel; set aside. Roll dough out on lightly floured surface into rectangle and spread with the orange sugar mixture, reserving a little to sprinkle over rolls when done. Roll up as for cinnamon rolls. Cut into slices and place in greased muffin tins. Let rise until double in size. Bake at 375° for 15 to 20 minutes. Sprinkle with reserved sugar mixture. Makes 18 rolls.

(Lion House Entertaining, [Salt Lake City: Shadow Mountain, 2001] p. 70.)


1 comment:

Shana said...

I LOVE THIS TOO!!! I get e-mails from them every week with a new FHE lesson, which is just splendid! The hard work is already done for you! :)BTW, thanks for having the kids over to play Sat. They had a great time!